Parish Newsletters

Please click on the relevant links to download your required newsletter. The 12 most recent are posted here with the newest at the top. For the full archive click here.
Thirteenth Sunday OT (YrB) (272.7KB) 26/06/2024
Twelfth Sunday OT (YrB) (292.6KB) 20/06/2024
Tenth Sunday OT (YrB) (286.4KB) 06/06/2024
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (316.1KB) 30/05/2024
The Most Holy Trinity (312.2KB) 23/05/2024
Pentecost Sunday (YrB) (298.8KB) 16/05/2024
7th Sunday of Easter (YrB) (275.2KB) 09/05/2024
6th Sunday of Easter (YrB) (289.3KB) 02/05/2024
6th Sunday of Easter (YrB) (289.3KB) 02/05/2024
4th Sunday of Easter (YrB) (328.6KB) 18/04/2024
3rd Sunday of Easter (YrB) (277.5KB) 11/04/2024
2nd Sunday of Easter (YrB) (294.2KB) 04/04/2024